
Board of Management

The Dulwich College Suzhou Board of Management governs all College activity. Its roles include setting College goals and targets with the Head of College, assessing progress and appraising the Head of College against goals and targets, and defining school policies and procedures.

The following people sit on the Board of Management:

  • Dulwich College International (DCI) CEO
  • DCI Regional Director of Schools (Chair)
  • Head of College
  • College Director of Business Administration
  • DCI Functional Directors
  • DCI Finance and Compliance Controller

Board of Trustees

The primary function of the Board of Trustees is to act as an advisory body with an overview of the activities of the College. It makes recommendations to the Head of College and the Board of Management. The Board of Trustees does not function as a final decision making body, except in cases of appeals of exclusions. 

The following people sit on the Board of Trustees:

  • Three representatives from Dulwich College International (DCI)
  • Four independent representatives, who serve a term of two years
    • These are usually parents but may include loyal supporters.
    • The Chair and Vice Chair are elected from among these representatives.
  • One representative from Dulwich College
  • The Head of College and the Director of Business Administration, both of whom are non-voting members

If you have any questions or are interested in a position on the Board of Trustees please email