Headmaster's Message Regarding School Opening

re-opening of school

Dear Dulwich College Suzhou Community,

I trust you may have seen the news about School Opening in Jiangsu Province yesterday. Please see my video message here for you. Here is a summary:

  • On Monday I shall be communicating with the Bureau to seek to confirm a campus reopening date of Tuesday 07 April. I am confident that our preparations have placed us in position for this to be a formality but I shall share a message early this week with confirmation.
  • This is because the Bureau has issued a notice stating that Chinese schools with exam grades (Years 12 and 9) will reopen on 30 March.
  • All other schools may reopen on 07 April – this includes DCSZ.
  • If confirmed we will stagger campus reopening as follows. Exact days/times for which year level will be confirmed by Friday 27 March.
re-opening plan
  • As online learning in its current form will cease on 27 March for my team to make informed decisions on how to proceed with this challenge we must know family intentions ASAP. For those families who remain outside Suzhou please communicate your intention to return or otherwise ASAP. A final decision on how to best cater for students who cannot return to Suzhou due to circumstances will be made in the coming week. Watch for messages.
  • I reiterate, all of the above is subject to the Bureau confirming the final College proposal so I thank you in advance for treating it as such.

In addition, to further support our families who have not returned to Suzhou, I have prepared a separate video. Please see below. The key points are:

  • Explaining to families the process for arriving at Shanghai then moving through screening, quarantine and to their home in Suzhou;
  • We are seeking to find ways to support students who remain outside of Suzhou due to circumstance and we need to know their intentions to do this effectively. We require intentions from all families outside Suzhou asap.

For the general video to all, please click on either the YouTube link (outside of China), or YouKu link (inside China). 

The video for families remaining outside of Suzhou is here - YouTube link, and YouKu Link.

Kind regards,

Mike O'Connor