Year 3 Production Captivates Your Senses

As mentioned in previous WeChat articles, Year 3 students in music class have a primary focus on drama. It provides valuable opportunities for students to enhance their performance skills across various subjects and broaden their learning horizons.

In Term 1, Year 3 students showcased their exceptional talent in the performance of "Eddie the Penguin Saves the World," receiving a resounding applause. We witnessed remarkable progress among our Year 3 students during this production. This term, on 14 June, they presented another outstanding performance titled "Anansi the Spider" on stage. Let's witness and appreciate their incredible abilities!

- Ms Merrill WOODRUFF, Junior School Music Teacher 

Through participation in drama, we have seen our Year 3 students develop and refine many valuable skills. They have learned to work creatively and collaboratively with their peers, crafting costumes, choreographing dance numbers, and coming together as a cast. Students have all demonstrated resilience and bravery as they overcame fears and challenges to perform in two productions, often in what may be their second or third language. Most importantly, we had lots of fun throughout the process. 

It has been incredible to watch the children's skills, confidence, and love for the performing arts blossom over the course of the school year. I have no doubt that we will see many of these talented students shining on stage in next year's Primary School Production.

Let's give a big round of applause to our Year 3 students! At DCSZ, we highly value the unique personalities of each student and strive to foster their growth, enabling them to become confident and positive individuals.