Voice in Literature: Book Week at Dulwich College Suzhou

This week has been a very successful Book Week for Dulwich College Suzhou with activities taking place across the whole College around the theme of “Voices”. This theme encouraged students to consider how they will use their voice for good and what form it will take, even when words fail you.

Our students considered the plethora of ways they can express their voices – verbally and non-verbally – through the arts. We extended last year’s learning in Book Week by encouraging reflection and growth by revisiting our learning about Braille and considering Chinese Braille – I wonder, is it the same?

In Primary Junior School and DUCKS, we have enjoyed many activities, including the now traditional Book Door Creation and Library’s Up Late, Book Fair, Author talks, and Character costume parade. 
2025 Bookweek 1
Ms Franziska Dehn shared her book with our Year 1 & 2 students, “Killian the Cameleon" - A story about moving and building new relationships”. Ms Dehn commented on the warm welcome, the atmosphere of the school and the depth of the students' thoughts when sharing her book.

Ms Aura Lewis shared her recent publication “Dazzling Lizzie”, one in a collection of works where she uses her voice to champion women’s achievements and women’s issues. Our Library’s Up Late was well attended by students and families alike, looking to learn from Ms Lewis’s experience in writing and illustrating children’s books.

Mr Rowan Kohll shared his 8 self-published books.  Students enthusiastically ‘chose their own adventure’ as he shared “Read at your Own Risk” amongst other stories to our cohort – and all this took place while hot chocolates and cookies were enjoyed by all in attendance.

On Friday, students engaged in the Character Costume Parade and enjoyed a ‘Secret Reader’ in their class. Following this, students will then engage in sharing their own favourite books with each other, before sending off Book Week with a wide reading session of loved books.
We also rolled out an exciting new initiative for our Senior School students - the Reading Challenge! This year-long journey invites students to dive into captivating stories, explore fresh perspectives, and earn rewards - all at their own pace.

"Adopt a Shelf" is a student-centered library programme that promotes creativity and community engagement through literature. Students can apply to curate a shelf, creating personalized book displays based on themes like genres, subjects, or cultural topics.

They were also introduced to Masked Readers, where teachers recorded video clips of themselves reading book excerpts while disguised with camera filters. In addition, this year’s Book Week provided a unique experience for our KS3 students. A group of enthusiastic “literary hooligans” delivered surprises to classrooms, sparking creativity and lively discussions around literature. 
All this is undertaken in order to build and share our love of literature across the school’s wider community, to encourage talk of texts and to challenge students to consider – how do you use your voice? How will you use your voice?
A huge thank you to our staff and students for their passion, contributions and support. While Book Week has ended, the reading will never stop.