Earth Day: People, Paper, Plastics and Our Planet

Earth Day

Every year, 22 April is observed as Earth Day, serving as a reminder for people worldwide to prioritize the well-being of our planet. The global theme for Earth Day 2024 is "Planet vs Plastics," offering a collective opportunity for communities to work together to reduce plastic consumption. Scientists have highlighted the potential adverse effects of microplastics found in our bodies, linking them to various health issues such as cancer, autism, Alzheimer's, birth defects, and declining fertility rates.

In response to Earth Day, DCSZ has organized various activities for our students this week. Here are the highlights of the event!


On Monday, DUCKS hosted a Trashion Event aimed at raising awareness about the negative environmental impact of "fast fashion" among our students. They creatively repurposed old clothing or socks and showcased their creations in a fashion parade. It was a fun and engaging way to promote sustainability.

Junior School

This week, our Junior School students embarked on a wonderful whole school adventure to DongShan. The event was organised as an opportunity for the children to connect with nature and learn about one of the vibrant communities within Suzhou. We chose this way to celebrate Earth day to show the children some of the beautiful things that can be found on our doorstep and to cultivate a love for the world and communities around them. As part of the trip, the children took litter pickers so we could leave the area even more lovely than how we found it. Each group was able to enjoy different aspects of what DongShan had to offer: Some  learned about Dong Shan from the museum, art and sculpture gardens and had the chance to try their hand at tea-picking.

Senior School

At the Senior School, students delved into the topic of our relationship with plastic and paper. In Year 7 and Year 8, the focus was on the historical development of paper and writing worldwide, as well as the challenges associated with its production and use. 

Meanwhile, in Year 9 and Year 10, students explored the global dominance of plastic and the complexities surrounding plastic waste management. They use their imagination by utilizing plastic waste to create innovative products.

Our Year 10 student, Carson C, Shackleton House Captain, also shared his insights with us: 

During Earth Day on Wednesday, we got the unique opportunity to understand more about plastic, something that is around us everyday. Moreover, we are also lucky to be able to create art out of plastics that we have consumed over a week. Although the building process was a tough challenge, we still managed to create an imaginative piece of artwork within the limited time.

Thanks to Ms Suzanne GRENNELL, DUCKS Teacher / Global Citizenship Lead; Miss Charlotte PENNY, Teacher of Year 5, Junior School global citizenship and sustainability lead; Mr Andrew Sheen, Teacher of Physics , Head of Year 10 Senior School Lead for Sustainability and Global Citizenship for their valuable contribution for the Earth Day. Their dedication and efforts have made a significant impact on promoting sustainability and global citizenship within our school community.