Covid-19 Prevention: Guidance for Students

Dear students and parents,
In order to ensure about the daily prevention of the Covid-19 virus, the Suzhou Education Bureau and the relevant authorities have initiated the Guidelines for Novel Coronavirus Infection Prevention and Control in Schools. The below section is about student education. We strongly encourage our students and parents to read it thorougly. Let us take care of ourselves, and take care each other.
1. How do I wash my hands correctly?
Wash your hands with running water, use soap or hand sanitiser, dry hands with adisposable paper tissue or clean towel.
There are seven steps to washing hands correctly:
step 1: rub two palms together;
step 2: rub hands and palms together, left and right cross scrubbing;
step 3: rub hands and fingers together;
step 4: hold fingers together, bend joints of fingers, and rub hands together;
step 5: hold thumbs, rotate and rub hands;
step 6: rotate and rub the fingertips of one hand in the other palm and switch for another hand;
step 7: hold the other wrist in one hand and rotate it for rubbing and switch for another hand.
1. 如何正确洗手?

2. When do we need to wash our hands?
Hand washing is required in the following situations: before and after delivering items; after coughing or sneezing; before eating; before and after drinking milk, eating fruit or snacks during break; after using toilet; when hands are dirty; after sports; physical contact with others; after coming back in from outside.
2. 什么时候需要洗手?

3. What to do if there is no place to wash hands?
When soap and running water are not available, disinfecting products with a 75% concentration of medical alcohol can be used, such as hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, alcohol cotton ball or other disinfecting products to clean hands.
3. 没地方洗手怎么办?

4. How do I maintain personal hygiene?
When coughing or sneezing, cover the nose and mouth with tissue or towel. If not, wash your hands immediately after coughing or sneezing. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with your hands.
4. 如何保持个人卫生?

5. How do I choose a mask?
Disposable medical masks should be replaced after 4 hours of continuous use and replaced immediately after becoming damaged, polluted or wet; N95 medical protective masks can be used for 24 to 48 hours without damage or pollution and must be replaced immediately after becoming damaged, polluted or wet; cotton masks or sponge masks are not recommended.
5. 口罩该怎么选?

6. What is the best way to wear a mask?
The colour of the medical mask is dark at the front, with the front facing outwards, the light side thus being the interior; there is a metal strip sandwiched on the nose of the medical mask, with the metal strip on the top of the mask; after clearly distinguishing where the front, back, upper and lower ends of the mask are, wash your hands first before determining whether the mask is fitted correctly, and then hang the ear loops on both ends of the mask over your ears; after wearing the mask, press the metal strips on both sides of the nose with your hands so that the upper end of the mask closes over the bridge of the nose, and then stretch out the mask so as to cover the nose and mouth while not leaving any wrinkles.
6. 口罩如何正确佩戴?