Congratulations to the DCSZ Class of 2024!

As the academic year comes to a close, we gathered to celebrate the remarkable achievements and journey of our graduating students last Friday. It is a momentous occasion filled with joy, pride, and nostalgia as we bid farewell to our talented individuals who have grown and flourished during their time with us.

This year, among all the graduating students, a third of them have stayed with us for more than 10 years. The DCSZ learning journey is unique and unforgettable for our graduates and they have shown immense dedication, resilience, and a thirst for knowledge. Let’s see the highlights of our graduation ceremony!

Some things cannot be taught; they must be experienced. Our experience at Dulwich taught us the most valuable lessons in life by pushing us to enter our own journey.  During our time at Dulwich, we learned that school encompasses much more than academics or the pursuit of excellence; it involves the gradual process of constructing lasting memories. How lucky we are to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. Our friends, teachers, and family are an integral part of this cherished experience.

---Yewon L, Head Prefect

As we stand here today, reflecting on our time at Dulwich, it’s impossible not to acknowledge the incredible support we’ve received from our teachers and staff. Their dedication and commitment have been instrumental in shaping us into who we are today. Their unwavering support has been a guiding light, whether it was the lunch times or free periods spent helping us understand complex concepts or encouraging us when we were less confident. You can reminisce about your joyful youth whenever you think back on your memories at school.  As we conclude, we would like to thank our parents and families for their unwavering support, patience, and love throughout these past few years. Thank you, Dulwich, for all these years of amazing stories!

---Martin H, Head Prefect

One of our graduates also shared her feelings with us:

I want to thank Dulwich for all of the opportunities it has given me to develop into the person I am today, it’s been my greatest pleasure to be part of this community and create memories that I’ll never forget. I also wanted to give a special thank you to all of the teachers who have taught me for the last 4 years, they are truly really special human beings that want to see their students do their best and I couldn’t have done the last 4 years without their support and help, so thank you Dulwich for giving us such important foundation for life, I’ll cherish the moments I spent here forever. 

--Talicia C    

Congratulations Year 13 on your graduation from Dulwich College Suzhou.  We wish you all the very best for the future and hope to see you again here in Suzhou or at one of our alumni events around the world. Graduation is always a bitter-sweet experience as we say goodbye to you and wish you well as you embark on the next stage of your journey. 

-Dr Mark Jones, Head of Senior School


The Class of 2024 have been a fantastic group to work with, showing perseverance and resilience throughout Years 12 and 13, which will inspire those who will follow in the years to come.

-Mr Stewart Paterson, Assistant Head of Senior School - IBDP/CP Coordinator


Dulwich College Graduates Class of 2024, congratulations and good luck going forward, as your hearts beat in happy times ahead and you feel that passion, in low times when life feels cold, remember your heart will never stop beating and never let go of that belief in your purpose as you keep persevering forward, you are ready to continue making a difference and we look forward to celebrating your ongoing success in the future.  Congratulations and good luck. 

-Mr David Massiah, Head of College


As we bid farewell to our graduates, we celebrate their achievements and wish them continued success in their future endeavors. This graduation is not the end of their journey, but marks the beginning of their new chapter, and we are confident that our graduates will shine brightly wherever their paths may lead.

Congratulations to the Class of 2024!!