2023 Christmas Tree Lighting Event

A Christmas tree is the symbol of love, peace, kindness, togetherness, warmth and family spirit. It is through the Christmas Tree Lighting event each year that our community gets together and kicks off the Christmas season. 

On Friday last week, it was this occasion again where more than 800 community members gathered on campus and celebrated the special moment together. 

Special thanks to all of the booth leaders and participants. Our students, staff and parents organised such a wide variety of booths and almost everything was sold out! Many of our parents said that we have not seen so many people onsite for this moment for such a long time!

Our Chairman of FoD,Mr Shen also shared his opinions for this event:

Mr Shen was delivering a speech

It was a chilly day, but the atmosphere radiated warmth and joy. I'd like to express my gratitude to Dulwich College Suzhou for organizing such a meaningful event that brought families together to immerse in the festive spirit.

Thank you, FoD!