What a Fabulous Finish!

What a fabulous finish! At Dulwich College Suzhou, we provide the stage for every child to perform; we prepare the floor for everyone to present. Starting from day one in DUCKS to the very end of Senior School, the culture of presenting is nurtured and developed seamlessly throughout the whole learning journey of our students. 

Toward the end of the academic year, Junior School and DUCKS children have their fabulous finish works presented to the community. 

 Year 1- Key Learning Inquiry

The Inquiry Unit of Year 1 focused on our relationship with the planet and the Fabulous Finish showcases Year 1 students key learning from this Inquiry. You will find fact files, eco-hero stories, pond sketches, and a very impressive 3M high bug hotel!

Year 3- Culture Community Learning

Year 3 students have explored cultural differences and the significance of community during their studies. They have utilized their acquired knowledge throughout the academic year to demonstrate their learning. Let's witness their remarkable work!

Year 5- How do trends in culture influence the past, present, and the future?

What are your thoughts on fast fashion and trends? Do you believe that fast fashion contributes to environmental degradation? Year 5 students have been studying fabrics, conducting research, investigating sustainable garment processes, and engaging in the design process. Let's take a look at their incredible work!

Year 6- Travel Expo

Year 6 students have presented their own creations! They have devised their own countries and exhibited their learning and creativity for all to see.

For other year groups, we have similarly engaging events and they will continue to take place next week. During Term 1, Year 7 had their presentations when they finished their unit of learning in health related content. Our Year 12 students also had their ToK (Theory of Knowledge) presentations back in March. The concept of data collection, doing research, doing analysis and then presenting is all the way through our learning process for all students in Dulwich College Suzhou. We will update more student learning process through our WeChat! Stay tuned!